The 7 things you should do to prepare for a root canal procedure

If your dentist has recommended you see and endodontist or if you're having consistent tooth pain, you may need to have a root canal procedure done. Though it's not anyone's favorite thing to have to do, it's important to know what to do to prepare. In this blog post, we'll go over 7 things you should do to prepare for root canal therapy that should help you have a more comfortable and more successful root canal procedure.

What is a root canal procedure / root canal therapy?

A root canal is a dental procedure that removes the infected or damaged pulp from the tooth's interior. Endodontists like Dr. Nieves often refer to a root canal procedure as root canal therapy because we use state-of-the-art technology to help patients get rid of pain caused by that infected or damaged pulp in the root of your tooth. Much has changed since the old days of root canals, so it's more appropriate to think of it as therapy that helps you get back to living your best life!

So now that we know what a root canal procedure is, here are 7 tips for how to have the best root canal procedure possible:

Schedule an appointment with an endodontist.

This one's a no-brainer: you need to make sure you get an appointment with the endodontist to have your root canal procedure! An endodontist is a dentist who specializes in root canal procedures. At Granbury Endodontics, Dr. Francisco Nieves specializes in making sure his patients have the best possible root canal therapy experience. Contact us today if you need an endodontist in the Granbury, Tolar, Cresson, Lipan or Ft. Worth area.

Read up on our Root Canal FAQs and Patient FAQs to get an idea of what to expect.

Dr. Nieves and our team put together some root canal FAQs and patient FAQs that can help ease your mind by giving you knowledge about what canal therapy is, what you can expect from the procedure and many other questions you might have. Having a better understanding of something always leads to less anxiety and confusion, so we recommend checking those out before you come in for your procedure.

Brush and floss your teeth thoroughly before the procedure.

This will help to remove any bacteria or food particles that could cause infection during the procedure. Just like you'd clean your house before inviting a guest over, it's great dental hygiene practice to clean your mouth as well. Dr. Nieves and our team will thank you!

Avoid eating hard or sticky foods before the procedure.

These can cause pain and discomfort during the procedure. They can also leave unwanted residue or particulate matter in your mouth that could interfere with root canal therapy. In addition to avoiding the foods, take the above tip as well and brush and floss your teeth before coming in to your procedure appointment.

Wear comfortable clothing to your appointment.

You'll be sitting in the dental chair for a while, so you want to make sure you're comfortable! Wearing comfortable clothing will make the experience much better and will help you relax during the procedure. This isn't a job interview, so comfort over looks is the top priority. We're only going to be looking at your mouth anyway!

Bring a friend or family member with you to your appointment.

They can offer moral support and help you get to and from the appointment. Plus, having someone around to talk to before and after the appointment can help relieve the pain and anxiety that might come from the procedure. Though it's a routine one, nobody wants to go through a root canal procedure, so anything you can do to make it better is a great idea.

Relax as much as you can.

Root canal procedures are very common and are usually not painful. The endodontist will numbed your mouth before starting the procedure, so you shouldn't feel any pain. But, being able to relax is a whole other thing, so just do your best to remember you're in a professional's hands (a board-certified endodontist if you come to Granbury Endodontics!) and the procedure will go just fine. Plus, with the root canal therapy completed, you can get back to living pain-free and have a more pleasant day-to-day life than before. It's a win-win all around!

By following these tips, you'll be prepared for your root canal procedure! It's nothing to worry about, and with the right preparation, it will be over before you know it. Be sure to contact us if you have any questions before your procedure, too. We look forward to seeing you!


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