How long does a root canal take?

When a patient learns that they need to have a root canal procedure performed, they're often curious about how long the procedure takes. In this blog post, we'll discuss what a root canal procedure is, what part of the tooth it affects and how long you can expect the procedure to last when seeing Dr. Nieves at Granbury Endodontics.

First, what is a root canal?

A root canal is a procedure that's performed when the soft tissue inside the tooth, known as the pulp, becomes infected. The infection can be caused by a number of things, including decay, a crack or chip in the tooth or repeated dental procedures. Once the pulp becomes infected, it needs to be removed to prevent further damage to the tooth.

Where is the root canal in a tooth?

The root canal is located in the center of the tooth. It's a small space that contains the pulp, which is made up of blood vessels, nerves and connective tissue. Dr. Nieves specializes in diagnosing and treating tooth pain related to infections that might occur in this area.

How long does a root canal take?

The root canal procedure usually takes about an hour to an hour and a half. However, this can vary depending on the severity of the infection and how many teeth are being treated. For instance, Dr. Nieves might be able to do a quick root canal in about 45 minutes for one tooth, or it might take up to two hours for multiple teeth. So it really all depends on the severity of the infection and the amount of affected teeth.

During a root canal procedure, the infected pulp is removed and the inside of the tooth is cleaned and sealed. The procedure is performed under local anesthesia, which numbs the area around the tooth. Once the area is numb, a small opening is made in the top of the tooth so that Dr. Nieves can access the pulp. Next, the pulp is removed and the inside of the tooth is cleaned. Once the tooth is clean, it's sealed to prevent anything getting back into the root canal.

Most of the time, we also try to use the GentleWave® machine for an even better patient experience. The GentleWave® technology uses fluid dynamics and sonic waves to get an even better clean on the root canal, which makes it much less likely that you might have to return for a root canal retreatment. Dr. Nieves and his staff will discuss the GentleWave option during your consultation if you are a good candidate for this treatment.

After the procedure is complete, you'll be able to go home and resume your normal activities. Root canals are always an outpatient procedure, so you won't have to stay at our office any longer than you want to!

One important thing to note: this estimate of time doesn't take into consideration the evaluation that Dr. Nieves and his team will do to determine what needs to be done regarding a tooth's unique situation, so if you're wondering about total time, factor in an hour or so for evaluation and consultation. You may also need a follow-up appointment as well. But, the main thing to remember is that the procedure really only takes about an hour an a half max.

Do you have tooth pain or are in need of a root canal procedure?

If you're experiencing tooth pain or think you may need a root canal procedure, contact Granbury Endodontics today. We'll work with you to get you the treatment you need so that you can get back to enjoying your life pain-free!


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