Granbury Endodontics

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7 interesting facts about root canals

Do you have a toothache? Are you considering a root canal? If so, you may be surprised to learn some of the facts about this common dental procedure. In this blog post, we will discuss six surprising facts about root canals. We will also explore how each of these facts affects your decision to undergo root canal therapy.

Root canal therapy is a common dental procedure. It is used to treat tooth pain and can often save a tooth that would otherwise be lost. While root canals are generally safe, there are some risks associated with the procedure. Here are six surprising facts about root canals:

Fact #1: Root canals have been performed for over 2000 years.

The history of endodontics dates back to ancient times. The first recorded instance of a dental procedure being performed on a live human was by the Sumerians in around 3500 BC. This procedure was a form of tooth extraction and was done using sharpened flint tools. Around 600 BC, the Etruscans (ancient Italians) began performing root canal therapy. They would drill into the tooth and remove the infected pulp tissue. They would then fill the empty space with beeswax. The first recorded instance of endodontic surgery was also by the Etruscans. They would cut open the gum tissue to access the root of the tooth and then remove any infected tissue. Thankfully, that same practice is no longer used today!

Fact #2: Root canals are usually performed by endodontists.

Endodontists are dentists who specialize in treating the inside of teeth. Dr. Nieves is an endodontist with years of extensive training to make sure the root canal therapy he performs is of the highest level. In fact, Dr. Nieves is a board-certified endodontist, which means he passed a written exam and provided detailed case reports documenting his clinical experience and additional training. All that led to a panel of expert endodontists determining that Dr. Nieves met the standards for board certification, putting him in the top 25% of all endodontists in the U.S. (For comparison, only 3% of dentists are endodontists!)

Fact #3: Root canal therapy is designed to save a tooth that might otherwise need to be extracted.

Root canals are better than having a tooth extracted because they save the tooth and they are a less invasive procedure. It's also typically way less painful than having a tooth removed, too. With a root canal, the dentist can remove the infected or damaged pulp from the tooth and clean and seal the canal to prevent further infection. With a root extraction, the whole tooth is removed, which can cause problems with chewing and speaking.

Fact #4: Root canals are way less painful than people might think.

Root canals are less painful due to anesthesia and improved techniques like the GentleWave® machine. When a root canal is necessary, anesthesia is used to numb the area. This makes the procedure much less painful. Additionally, the GentleWave® machine helps to clean and remove bacteria from the root canal. This also makes the procedure less painful. Overall, root canals are much less painful than people may think, and when you're getting rid of pain in the longterm, that's a great trade-off.

Fact #5: Root canals often take under an hour to complete.

Many people might think that a root canal is going to take a long time, which might deter them from getting a root canal procedure. Why spend a lot of time going through an unpleasant experience, right? Well, the good news is that oftentimes, root canal therapy can be performed in under an hour. And, as mentioned before, we use technology like the GentleWave® procedure to get a better outcome that takes way less time.

Fact #6: If you don't have a root canal, it's possible that the infection can spread.

If you have an infection in your tooth, it's important to get it treated as soon as possible. If you don't, the infection can spread to other teeth or even to your jawbone. Additionally, if the infection spreads, it might lead to a more serious condition like sepsis (a potentially life-threatening condition caused by bacteria in the blood). So, if you think you might need a root canal, don't delay in getting treatment!

Fact #7: Root canal therapy is highly successful.

An estimated 15 million root canals are done each year, which means that 15 million patients leave tooth pain behind each year. If taken care of, a root canal can last a lifetime, especially if it's performed by a board-certified endodontist like Dr. Nieves. Dr. Nieves has years of specialized training to make sure your root canal therapy experience is as positive as can be!

If you're in need or a root canal or are suffering from any type of tooth pain, don't hesistate to contact our office at Granbury Endodontics today. Our staff is always happy to help with any questions, and we look forward to helping you get pain-free as soon as possible!