Granbury Endodontics

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How to approach a root canal retreatment

A failed root canal can be a real pain (literally). But what exactly is a failed root canal, and how can you tell if you're experiencing one? In this blog post we'll go over the signs of a failed root canal and how a root canal retreatment can help you save your teeth for the future.

What are the signs of a failed root canal and what should you do if this happens to you?

Essentially, a failed root canal occurs when the nerve tissue inside the tooth becomes infected, despite receiving treatment. This can happen due to a number of factors, but the leading causes tend to be poor maintenance of a previous root canal procedure or damage to the tooth (or, in other words, a cracked tooth).

Failed root canals are often accompanied by symptoms like severe pain, sensitivity to hot and cold temperatures, and swelling around the area of the failed root canal. If you think you may be experiencing a failed root canal, you'll need to see an endodontist like Dr. Nieves, who is a specialist in root canal therapy. Your dentist can refer you on next steps or you can reach out to our office directly to schedule a root canal retreatment.

While it may be tempting to try and tough it out, the sooner you receive treatment, the better.

How can you prevent a failed root canal from happening in the first place?

So how can you prevent a failed root canal? The best way is to practice good oral hygiene and visit your dentist regularly. If you have any concerns about your teeth or gums, be sure to see your dentist right away.

If you've had a previous root canal procedure, you should try to avoid chewing hard foods like hard, sticky candies and/or using your teeth as tools (like biting something to hold it in place) as this can damage the nerve and lead to infection. If you do experience any pain or sensitivity in an area of your mouth where you've had a previous root canal procedure, see your dentist right away. It could be the early signs of a failed root canal, and treating it earlier rather than later is best.

What are the consequences of a failed root canal and how can they be avoided or treated?

Most people have heard of root canals, but many are not sure what they are or what they do. A root canal is a procedure that is used to save a tooth that has been infected by bacteria. The infection is removed and the tooth is sealed. While root canals are typically successful, there is always a chance of failure.

One of the most common consequences of a failed root canal is pain. This can happen years after the procedure has been performed. If you experience sudden and severe pain in a tooth that has had a root canal, it is important to see en endodontist like Dr. Nieves right away. Other signs of a root canal failure include inflammation, swelling and tenderness in the gums.

If you think you may have a failed root canal, you should contact us at Granbury Endodontics as soon as possible. Treatment will vary depending on the extent of the damage. In some cases, a second root canal may be necessary. In extreme cases, the tooth may need to be extracted. No matter what, it is important to get prompt treatment to avoid further complications.

The good news: Granbury Endodontics can help with a failed root canal

The good news is that most cases of failed root canals can be treated successfully, but it’s important to seek help as soon as possible. At Granbury Endodontics, we understand the importance of timely treatment and are here to help you every step of the way. Contact us today if you think you may be experiencing a failed root canal and let us help you get back on track to better oral health!